Striking a Balance: Managers for Company vs. People

Omkar Bhagat
3 min readApr 28, 2024

In the intricate web of modern organizational dynamics, managers play a pivotal role in steering the ship towards success. However, not all managers are created equal; their approaches often fall into two broad categories: those who prioritize the company’s benefit above all else, and those who champion the well-being of their people. Striking a balance between these two extremes is not only desirable but crucial for sustainable growth and employee satisfaction.

The Company-Centric Manager

At first glance, the company-centric manager appears to be the embodiment of dedication and loyalty. They are driven by goals, metrics, and the bottom line. Their decisions are laser-focused on maximizing profits, increasing productivity, and achieving organizational objectives. These managers excel at strategic planning, resource allocation, and driving efficiency within the company.

However, their single-minded pursuit of corporate interests can come at a cost. Employee morale may suffer as individuals feel like mere cogs in the corporate machinery, expendable in the pursuit of greater profits. Creativity and innovation may be stifled as employees prioritize meeting targets over exploring new ideas. Moreover, the relentless pursuit of short-term gains may lead to burnout and high turnover rates, ultimately undermining long-term success.

The People-Centric Manager

On the other end of the spectrum lies the people-centric manager, whose primary concern is the well-being and development of their team members. They prioritize building relationships, fostering a positive work culture, and supporting the personal and professional growth of their employees. These managers excel at empathy, communication, and creating a sense of belonging within the organization.

The people-centric manager understands that a motivated and engaged workforce is the key to sustainable success. By investing in their employees’ growth and well-being, they cultivate loyalty, commitment, and a sense of ownership among team members. This, in turn, leads to higher productivity, lower turnover rates, and a more resilient organization capable of weathering challenges.

The Balance

While the company-centric and people-centric approaches may seem diametrically opposed, the most effective managers recognize the need to strike a balance between the two. A balanced manager understands that the company’s success is intrinsically linked to the well-being and engagement of its employees.

They set clear goals and expectations aligned with organizational objectives while providing the necessary support and resources for their team to succeed. They foster a culture of accountability and performance while also promoting work-life balance, recognition, and opportunities for growth.

In Summary

In the complex landscape of modern management, the dichotomy between company-centric and people-centric approaches is a false one. The most effective managers recognize the interconnectedness of these two dimensions and strive to strike a balance that benefits both the organization and its people.

However, when circumstances force a choice between the two, prioritizing a people-centric approach often proves to be the wiser course of action. History has shown that companies with strong, engaged, and motivated teams outperform those solely focused on short-term profits.

While a company-centric strategy may yield immediate gains, it often comes at the expense of employee morale, innovation, and long-term sustainability. Conversely, a people-centric approach fosters loyalty, commitment, and resilience, laying the groundwork for enduring success even in the face of challenges.

As businesses navigate an ever-evolving landscape, the importance of balanced leadership cannot be overstated. When balance proves elusive, erring on the side of prioritizing the well-being and development of employees not only benefits the individuals but also ensures the organization’s long-term viability and prosperity.



Omkar Bhagat

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